Monday, October 29, 2012

Thursday 25th October

This RCCI session we tried something a little different as we got all the boys in the service group to come outside of the gym and into the field so that we could play cricket. This is a good example of undertaking new challenges as we hadn’t tried this before, it also shows planning and initiating activities as we had planned this during the previous meeting. This went down really well as when we played basketball with them I was unsure of how much they enjoyed it, but when we were playing cricket with them I could clearly see that they were having fun. One of the members of RCCI was very good at batting and we all had a good time playing cricket which shows ‘working collaboratively with others’ as we worked together with some people bowling and some people catching. Afterwards we went into the canteen to get them a drink but there was no Milo so we gave them chocolate milk instead. After they drank the milk they went to their van and said goodbye.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

SAISA Football

I have joined SAISA football and it started on Tuesday the 23rd October 2012. The first training was good as I have not done it in a while so it was a nice change. My goals for SAISA this year are:

1. Increase my stamina
2. Get better at dribbling
3. Get a medal in SAISA

I am looking forward to the next practises as it will give me an oppertunity to increase my stamina and also to increase my skill level.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Thursday 4th of October

Last Thursday the 4th of October I attended the RCCI activity this was undertaking new challenges and developing new skills as i am not familiar with these particular circumstances. This time we were able to use the gym therefore we got to play basketball with them and also we played catch with them and I played football with one. Then we took them to the canteen and got Milo for them to drink, some of them took it home and two had juice because they were lactose intolerant. After they had finished, we collected all the Milo's and waved them off at the buses.

Monday, September 24, 2012

20th September 2012

Last Thursday the 20th of September I attended my first RCCI activity this was undertaking new challenges and developing new skills as i haven't done anything similar to this before. We were unable to use the gym as it was occupied so we moved into the primary playground. I started off by introducing myself to the kids and then we got some basketballs and played catch. Afterwards we played a bit of football passing the ball in a circle with other members of the CAS which got a lot of the kids involved, this shows working collaboratively with others. Then we took them to the canteen and gave them each a Milo to drink, after this we took them to their bus and waved them off.


I have joined 2 separate services; one is called RCCI and it is a service where you spend some time playing with people who have a dis-ability and getting to know them. This CAS shows; working collaboratively with others, undertaking new challenges, and developing new skills. The other service i have joined is one that Mrs. Lenk informed me about which takes place every Tuesday after school and it is similar to the CAS project i was wanting to set up. In this service I will be teaching primary school children how to play football and this CAS will show; working collaboratively with others, undertaking new challenges,  developing new skills, and planned and initiated activities.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Test Run 30/08/12

On Thursday the 30th of August I did a test run, this showed good perserverance and commitment as i had previously planned it for the Tuesday but it rained and the field became unavailable. I then planned it for the Wednesday but again it rained and we were not allowed to use the field therefore i had to push it back again to Thursday and even then we were only allowed a portion of the field due to it raining again. I tested a few of the activities that i had in mind for what we would be doing in the CAS activity. After school we allowed people 10-15 minutes to get changed into their football gear and then started with stretches and a couple of shots to warm up. We then practiced some free kicks which allowed the kids to have fun but also develop their skills, this also is a part of 'planning and initiating activities' as this is what i had planned for the session and it was initiated and went smoothly. Afterwards we went into a small game, as not as many people turned up i would've hoped due to the rain, the game was 4 vs 5 on a small pitch which  helped develop their control as they couldn't kick it hard or too far. Also we worked on passing and moving in the games as well as their awareness in the game. When it is a small pitch you need to make space by passing and moving and have to be aware of where your team mates are as if you are all clustered on a small pitch it will never work. This develops good collaboration with others and an increase in awareness of strengths and areas of growth as they have to work with their team-mates and also they will find out what they need to work on in their game and what their strengths are. After the game we went back and worked on free kicks before we cooled down and did a couple stretches. Overall it went well and i feel that everyone enjoyed themselves and got a chance to develop their skills.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Update on CAS

Availability of the feild:
           I have spoke with Mrs Amanda and she has informed me that there is already an activity on Thursday but the leader of that activity agreed to give me part of the feild. Also there are some other CAS activities that occasionaly use the feild so every 3rd week or something i will have to give up the feild for them or they could just join in with us which would be better.
          I spoke to Ravin about Sunflower and he thinks that they will be interested but he said that the school is still on holiday so i need to wait untill they get back before i can start my CAS.

CAS Propasal

Objective: To make up the hours required to meet the criteria required for CAS IB Diploma

Aim: To develop various sports skills and increase the fitness and activity levels for a group of approximately 20 children.

School resources required:
·         The Field or gym depending on the sport of the session
·         Apparatus; such as basketballs, footballs, etc

Learning outcomes
     Increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth
          - During the time the kids spend in this CAS activity they will realise their strengths such as fitness or shooting. It will allow them to see themselves as individuals with various skills and realise their potential to develop those strengths
     Undertaking new challenges
          - The children will be able to undertake new challenges as maybe they are not so used to playing football or have a part of football in which they are not good at then they can learn how to do it and take on the challenge of learning something new to them.
     Planned and initiated activities
          -  This is will be touched upon during my CAS as i will have to plan the lessons and then initiate them during the sessions that we will have.
     Working collaboratively with others
          - This is key in football as it is mainly a team game where individual skill wont work so well if you don't collaborate with your team mates. So in teaching the kids how to play with a team it will improve their collaboration with others.
     Showing perseverance and commitment
           - This will be achieved by attending all the sessions and accepting the responsibility for dealing with problems that could arise during the CAS activity.
     Engaged with issues of global importance
     Consideration of ethical implications
     Developing new skills
          - A big part of this CAS activity is to develop new skills or skills that are not that strong. For example; if one of the kids doesn't know how to take a free-kick then when the time comes for that activity he will learn how to and practice it so that he develops the new skill that he has obtained.

How I will go about doing this:
Firstly I will have to find a school.  I will ask Mr Lockwood for his help as it may be that one of the schools that already comes in to do other CAS activities would be interested. The ideal age range for the group would be boys and girls between the ages of 13 to 17 but this can be flexible based on interest. I have spoken to some of my school friends to see if they would be interested in supporting me with my CAS project and already have one volunteer.  I am sure that more people will be willing to join this CAS project if approved.

The CAS Project:
I will be hoping that my CAS will run on Tuesday, Thursday and maybe Wednesday if allowed. Each session will last for 1 and a half to 2 hours, as then it is enough time for warm up exercises, to do the activities, and then cool down. I will be teaching them mostly football, the game, techniques etc. but I would also be supportive with having sessions dedicated to other sports such as cricket or basketball if the children ask for it.

During the sessions I will start each one with warm up stretches and activities to make sure there are no injuries, then I will move into some skill practices, for example if the session was football then I would do passing, shooting, or dribbling games. After a few skill games we will move into a game to put those skills into practice, then we will end each session with a cool down and some stretches to prevent injuries.

Towards the end of the semester I will be aiming to hold a 5 a side tournament in the sports that we have practiced where the other CAS members and I will be refereeing.  Also I would like to make the tournament into something special for the kids for example we could have it take place on Saturday where parents and friends are allowed to come and watch and, depending on the age group of the kids, then people in school could make a team to join the tournament. The winner will get a prize, which I will discuss with the other CAS members at the start of the semester as to how we can raise some funds to sponsor the event. Follow up on.


              I will have a set of 5 day plans which will repeat throughout the term every Thursday, as that is the day the field will be available, so that I wont start teaching them a skill then not allow them to fully develop it so with this method I will be able to go back to previous skills they were learning so that they can develop those certain skills further. The first lesson however will be different to the rest, as we will have to introduce ourselves to the kids and play some small games to learn their names and interact with them so that they get to know us better. But after that we will go to the 5-day plan.

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Warm up (10 minutes)
Warm up (10 minutes)
Warm up (10 minutes)
Warm up (10 minutes)
Warm up (10 minutes)
Passing skill games for example there is one game where you are in a group of 4 and 1 of them is in the middle and the aim is to pass and move between the 3 attackers so that the 1 in the middle cannot get the ball.
Shooting skill games for example one game is where there are 3 attackers vs 2 defenders and a keeper (which will be one of us) and the aim of the game is for the 3 attackers to pass past or beat the defenders and take a shot on goal.
Dribbling skill games for example we would place a line of small plastic cones in front of a goal and the idea would be for the kids to take it turns to keep the ball at their feet and slalom around the cones and have a shot at the end then collect their ball and go to the end of the line.
This session I would show them different plays and let them practice them, for example free kicks, corners, and a penalty shoot-out.
On this day I will combine the elements of shooting, passing, and dribbling into games so that they can learn to think about all 3 aspects at once.
End the session with a game and depending on the group size, hopefully we will have two games going at once so that each kid will have more touches in the matches so that they can develop the skills they have learnt previously in the lesson
End the session with a game and depending on the group size, hopefully we will have two games going at once so that each kid will have more touches in the matches so that they can develop the skills they have learnt previously in the lesson
End the session with a game and depending on the group size, hopefully we will have two games going at once so that each kid will have more touches in the matches so that they can develop the skills they have learnt previously in the lesson
End the session with a game and depending on the group size, hopefully we will have two games going at once so that each kid will have more touches in the matches so that they can develop the skills they have learnt previously in the lesson
End the session with a game and depending on the group size, hopefully we will have two games going at once so that each kid will have more touches in the matches so that they can develop the skills they have learnt previously in the lesson

Cool down (10 minutes)
Cool down (10 minutes)
Cool down (10 minutes)
Cool down (10 minutes)
Cool down (10 minutes)
Goals: To develop the kids passing skill and communication between the players
Goals: To develop the kids shooting skill and their communication with each other
Goals: To develop the kids dribbling skills and their general control over the ball and if they do well in these sessions then we will teach them skills that are a bit more complicated which will hopefully challenge the kids to play at their best
Goals: to develop the kids accuracy when kicking, their heading and receiving, and also improve set plays.
Goals: to let the kids practice all 3 aspects; shooting, passing, and dribbling, at once so that it increases their awareness that they have to think about all 3 at once.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

On the 26th of May was the OSC 2012 graduation ceremony and the after party. I had the oppertunity to DJ for the party along with 2 other people which allows me to work collaboratively with others. This was a good oppertunity as there was quite alot of people there and it also alowed me to undertake new challenges as i have never played for an audience that big before i was a bit nervous when i was asked to play. Also i was able to develop new skills whilst practising at home and creating a mix and as i was playing as i tried new things to make it more interesting. During this time i was able to test out a mix that i had made at home to see how the audience would react to it before i recorded it and upload it onto Youtube. This is the creativity aspect of CAS as i am experimenting with my music and mixes and also getting the chance to create new mixes whilst playing. It also includes part of the action side of CAS as i am putting what i have practised and the new skills that i have developed into action by DJing at the party. I am hoping to get more chances to play as i am really keen on it and i want to keep developing new skills. I am planning to study music technology in university, therefore i want to practise now then i will have good exerience by the time i take the course.

Monday, April 30, 2012


For creativity I have created and recorded a mix of my favourite trance tunes and uploaded it onto Youtube for my freinds to see. This shows hard work as it takes time to create a mix and think about what songs can go where in order for the change to be smooth and for the mix to have an overall build up and ending to the song.

I have been going to the gym, twice a week, every Tuesday and Sunday. I am hoping to maintain this commitment along with my physical fitness until the next SAISA football.

In Habitat for humanity we had a meeting recently on Thursday the 26th of April  where we decided our upcoming build dates. Mr Reihm is going to contact Sextus to confirm the availability to build on the dates we chose the attempt to build on; they were May 12th, 19th and June 2nd.
This allows us to work collaboratively to decide on a date to set the build, and allows us to develop new skills as a planner and organising events.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Plans for Community and Service

I have joined Habitat for Humanity and i am going on a build either this saturday or next saturday or both. This will be good because i will be working collaboratively with others to help rebuild the homes of people who cannot rebuild it themselves or need help doing so. I went on a build and we had to brake up into 3 groups the group i was in had to break and remove the floor of the house as it was concrete and the house was sinking and instead of fixing the problem they just layered more cement onto the floor. One of the other groups was digging and the other was fixing walls with wood.

Monday, January 30, 2012


On Week Without Walls we went to Hambantota, the bus ride took a long time but i got a chance to see the highway which was good as it shows the Human Inginuity of Sri Lanka. We got to the hotel and put our bags in our rooms, after that we went to check out the two schools that we would be working on for the next two days, in my opinion we needed another day to complete it as some things were left unfinished, like the slide for example. After we got back from the schools we met in our groups and planned what we were going to do and what we needed, next we set goals and reflected on our day then we had free time untill we went to bed at 10.30. The next day we woke up ate breakfast then went to our school that we were assigned to, the children greeted us and gave us a flower then we interacted with them for a bit then went to work. I started on painting the inside of the school, we started with a light blue on the walls. At first we only had brushes because the van which had the rollers in was getting supplies so in the beggining we started of slow but then the van arrived with the supplies. We went around with the rollers and did most of the wall leaving the edges then someone came with a thin brush and painted the edges, we worked collaboratively and this was good as we finished the walls pretty fast and soon moved on to the pillars. We ran out of light blue paint though so we couldnt finish the main walls yet but later we got paint from the other school and finished them off, then i helped out outside for a bit till the day was over. The next day at school there was alot that got done by everyone, i was working on fixing up a homade swing to make it safer unfortunately i stood on a wooden plank which had a nail sticking up and it went through my flip flop and into my foot.