I took part in sports day this year and played various games of football, basketball, volleyball, and kickball. I am in red house and in the end we won the sports day because the primary school red team did really well apparently and we did alright but we had a little amount of people actually participating so it was rather difficult even though we worked collaboratively together. I enjoyed football the most and we did pretty well in it, we drew and lost against yellow house, beat green house, and lost to blue house. I found a picture that shows me playing a game of football. I also enjoyed volleyball as i dont get the chance to play it much therefore it gave me the oppertunity to develop new skills and in basketball i had to undertake new challenges that i thought would be impossible for example we had to play green house which had 3 saisa basketball players on the team and one of them was David who was beast at the sport. i thought that we wouldnt stand a chance but in the end the game was close and we just won.